Sunday, November 1, 2009

Gender Issues

It is important to know about Title 9. Here is some information about it.

I did not realize that so many gender issues still plague today's public schools. Many people feel like boys and girls should actually be separated in classrooms. As you can see by the videos many people feel that it is a good thing. I totally disagree. How could you be happy that your child has no interaction with the opposite sex? When they get out into the real world they are going to need this experience. Not everyone is a man and not everyone is a woman. School is very important academically but is very important socially as well. Men and women separated does not guarantee that your child would do better in school.

I found that this study done was the most legitimate. More negatives were found rather than positives.

Do you guys really think single sex public schools would work? Did anyone go to an all boys or girls private school? Did you find this beneficial to you?


  1. Good Blog. I agree with you about the social education of kids. I think school teaches kids how to interact with the opposite sex and is important in the real world. If you separate children by sex aren't you supporting gender inequality. This feels similar to segregation by race. The teacher is not the only one who has something to offer to the student. Often students help each other understand concepts through different perspectives.If you separate kids you take away the opportunity for girls to teach boys and vice versa.

  2. that is exactly how i feel when they get into the real world how will they be able to interact with both genders if they dont learn in school. They need to learn how to work and feel comfortable with males and females and by doing so both genders need to be together in the classroom.

  3. I also agree that school is important for the social growth of kids. I think in many cases, children who are home schooled lack communication skills because they are not provided with the same daily environment as the kids who do go to school. I think if we were to separate schools by gender we would run into similar problems. Like Evan mad mentioned, when these kids enter the real world feel confused and unfamiliar.

  4. Good find on that Cali study, def an interesting website to read.

  5. I'm actually writing a research paper about gender inequality in the classroom and strategies being used to help solve it for my sociology class and this is one of the things I'm focusing on for it. To be honest, I'm not quite sure of where I stand on the whole issue of separating boys and girls. I have found through most of my research though that in schools that have tried it, have found that scores have been raised significantly. Boys and girls do, generally, learn certain things differently, and so I think the separate classrooms helps with that. But I also think that if teachers just took the time in class to make sure that every type of student, whether it be one who learns visually, orally etc. is catered to throughout the lesson, then separate classes wouldn’t be needed. I definitely do not think that boys and girls should be separated for every subject or from grades k-12 though, for the same reasons that everyone said. It is definitely important for boys and girls to learn how to interact with each other. Seesh this was a long comment! haha
