Sunday, October 25, 2009

Thoughts on Tim Wise/Brown Vs. Board

Tim Wise Interview and Brown vs. Board of Education

1. "The evidence of racism and discrimination against average, every day folks of color is still very much present." -Tim Wise

This quote is at the beginning of the first you tube clip with Wise. This is important because it is true. Just because Barack Obama is in office does not mean that racism will go away. Just because well known leaders like Obama are in office does not mean that racism has ended. People of color are still in some cases not accepted. We just accept people like Obama and Oprah.

2. "The proof of racial equity will be when people of color can be as medicore as white folks." -Tim Wise

I found this quote to be interesting. There is surely a double standard. Black folks have to be amazing at anything to stand out. White people can be average and this is okay. I can apply this to schools as well. A rich white kid can do terrible in school but he still will be alright because his parents can set him up for college or a job. If a poor kid of color does not excel in school, there is very little opportunity.

3. "What hasn't changed is the denial about the problem." - Tim Wise

This kind of reminds me of Johson. People are not overtly racist in this day and age but we still have this belief that black people are lesser. Obama is an exception to the rule and this makes it out to be people of color have equal opportunity. People need to be the solution and realize that this is not the case.

Will racism ever end? It is amazing how racist and thickheaded people in this day and age still are. I found the interview with Tim Wise to be very worthwhile. He really did clear up some things in my head that I thought were true once Obama was elected.

Brown vs. Board of Ed. was a very important event in this contrary. I believe Wise stresses that this event was important in ending segregation but it did not end racism.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Talking Points # 5

"In the Service of What "
Joseph Kahne and Joel Westheimer

1. "The experiential and interpersonal components of service learning activities can achieve the first crucial step toward diminishing the sense of "otherness" that often separates students-particularly privileged students-from those in need. In so doing, the potential to develop caring relationships is created."

This first quote really hit me because it relates to other authors like Johnson. To diminish our privileges we can help those in need. By doing this students can get to know and learn from people who are not privileged. By caring for students one can have a meaningful relationship with different students.

2. "This experience and others like it, quite common in the literature of service learning, emphasize charity more than change. The experience was structured to promote giving rather than to provide the kind of understanding needed for the development of caring relationships. As a result, the student's description of the event lacked the perspective and input of those she was helping."

This quote is very important to what we are doing in class. We are all forming relationships with the students and schools we are volunteering at now. If a person is just giving their time without analyzing certain students situations, then they are not learning or bettering anyone. To be the change we need in this world one has to do more than just giver their time.

3. "In the service of what?" is a question that inevitably merits the attention ofteachers, policy makers, and academicians who take seriously the idea that learning and service reinforce each other and should come together in America's schools."

This conclusion to the article coincides with my own beliefs. I never had to do any service learning in my high school and I surely could have benefited from it. Giving back to people in need will make the learning experience of high school students all over the country better.

I really enjoyed this article. It made perfect sense to me. I liked the table with the breakdown of service learning goals. The change section is obviously what we are striving for. Caring, Social reconstruction, and transformation Experience are most important. If you just stay on the surface you will never truly get what you are supposed to out of the service learning. Digging deeper and forming relationships will give the volunteer and the student better education.

I never did any service learning in high school. I was curious if anyone of you ever had to do this? Do you guys think service learning should be mandatory across the country? And do you think the students would really benefit from this?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Talking Points # 4

"Unlearning the Myths that Bind Us"
Linda Christensen

1." The messages or "secret education," linked with the security of their homes, underscore the power these texts deliver. As Tatum's research suggests, the stereotypes and world view embedded in the stories become accepted knowledge."(127)

Cartoons and other influential pieces of pop culture shape the minds of very impressionable children. These children have never really had any experience with other children of color so they already have a stereotype about people they have never met. This is accepted to white people.

2."A Black Cinderella? Give me a break. " (131)

The power of Disney. Children are realizing at a young age that minorities are never given the lead roles in the cartoon. They are for the most part depicted as servants. This may not be very obvious to a white child. However, this send a bad message to the children of color. They are subliminally being taught that the white culture is dominant. This message could also be a dangerous one for the white child that notices. They are already seeing a privilege.

3. "Popeye": This show oozes with horrible messages from passive Olive Ovl to ~ hero "man" Popeye. This cartoon portrays ethnic groups as stupid. lt is political also -teaching children that Americans are the best and conquer all - Grade : F ."

This last quote basically sums up the article. The author is showing how cartoons shape the young minds of people. This shaping eventually leads to a racially charged world. There is no equality taught in these cartoons. The dominant culture is portrayed more than other cultures.

Disney does do some shady things. They are displaying things even if they do not notice. I found a very interesting video. The guy who posted it put a song with some explicit lyrics on it. So just shut off your speakers.

Some people will disagree entirely and they have a good point as well.
The biggest influence on an impressionable mind is the parent(s). The parent should be teaching the child about equality. Not a silly cartoon. If your that angry that Disney displays subliminal messages don't watch it. I will leave you with one of my favorite lines in a song by Eminem. "They say music can alter moods and talk to you, well can it load a gun up for you and cock it too?"

Friday, October 2, 2009

Talking Points # 3

Dennis Carlson
"Gayness, Multicultural Education, and Community"

1. "It is noteworthy that no state currently recognizes gays and lesbians as legitimate minority or cultural groups to be considered in textbook adoption or to be included in multicultural
education; and a number of states explicitly prohibit teaching about homosexuality." (236)

This quote is important for the basis of the text. The author is showing that gay people have basically been disregarded. The schools will not partake in teaching about homosexual culture because they are afraid of it. The schools do not even recognize gay people which makes it more difficult for homosexual students to be in a school environment.

2. "It is now estimated that up to one-third of all adolescent suicide victims are gay, approximately one-quarter of all homeless youth in the United States are gay, and dropout and drug abuse rates among gay youth are likewise high."(239)

This quote really made me feel terrible. Gay people have been alienated in the school systems but I had no idea that the problems resulted in such horrible outcomes. Teachers and counselors should surely be looking out for any students, no matter what the sexual identity is.

3. "We cannot and should not attempt to impose "politically correct" beliefs
0n students; but we have a responsibility as public educators in a democratic society to engage them in a dialogue in which all voices get heard or represented and in which gay students and teachers feel free to "come out" and find their own voices." (252)

This quote is very significant to all aspiring teachers. Everyone has a voice and the teacher should not belittle someone just because of being gay. Also all the students should have the right to know that there are different cultures out there in the world and not just the politically correct culture the higher powers want you to know about.

I found this article very helpful. The article explained how being gay is basically looked down upon in the public school system. The schools do not even want to acknowledge that it exists. This is why some student feel so outcasted that they result to drastic measures. It is also sad to think that some teachers do not even get a fair chance because they are gay. They could be an awesome teacher but some students and colleagues could show no respect to them.

I kept thinking about S.C.A.A.M.P. and the culture of power while reading this article. This article showed me that people really do value certain things in America. It does not matter how good of a teacher you are, if you are gay, you could possibly be discriminated against. Gay is also somewhat new if you think about. Hopefully with more and more time gay people will be treated equally and "normalized" into culture . Do you guys think with more time gay people will truly be accepted? Or will hate increase?