Monday, October 12, 2009

Talking Points # 4

"Unlearning the Myths that Bind Us"
Linda Christensen

1." The messages or "secret education," linked with the security of their homes, underscore the power these texts deliver. As Tatum's research suggests, the stereotypes and world view embedded in the stories become accepted knowledge."(127)

Cartoons and other influential pieces of pop culture shape the minds of very impressionable children. These children have never really had any experience with other children of color so they already have a stereotype about people they have never met. This is accepted to white people.

2."A Black Cinderella? Give me a break. " (131)

The power of Disney. Children are realizing at a young age that minorities are never given the lead roles in the cartoon. They are for the most part depicted as servants. This may not be very obvious to a white child. However, this send a bad message to the children of color. They are subliminally being taught that the white culture is dominant. This message could also be a dangerous one for the white child that notices. They are already seeing a privilege.

3. "Popeye": This show oozes with horrible messages from passive Olive Ovl to ~ hero "man" Popeye. This cartoon portrays ethnic groups as stupid. lt is political also -teaching children that Americans are the best and conquer all - Grade : F ."

This last quote basically sums up the article. The author is showing how cartoons shape the young minds of people. This shaping eventually leads to a racially charged world. There is no equality taught in these cartoons. The dominant culture is portrayed more than other cultures.

Disney does do some shady things. They are displaying things even if they do not notice. I found a very interesting video. The guy who posted it put a song with some explicit lyrics on it. So just shut off your speakers.

Some people will disagree entirely and they have a good point as well.
The biggest influence on an impressionable mind is the parent(s). The parent should be teaching the child about equality. Not a silly cartoon. If your that angry that Disney displays subliminal messages don't watch it. I will leave you with one of my favorite lines in a song by Eminem. "They say music can alter moods and talk to you, well can it load a gun up for you and cock it too?"


  1. That video was pretty cool. Also, I like the Eminem lyrics you put up too. Ive heard that before and I completely agree. Its like the people who sue McDonald's because it made them overweight. It was their choice to eat there, take responsibility for your own actions.

  2. I definately agree with you that it is the parents responsibility to teach their children, and monitor wha they are watching. Sadly though, i think a lot of parents do not spend enough time with their children and let the tv raise them.

  3. I agree with what you say in your second quote. you never see a main character who is a person of color, which isn't fair. it;s giving kids a wrong imagine on race

  4. Very interesting youtube piece, too!!!
